1335 Paseo del Pueblo Sur #113
Taos, NM 87571
The Patriarch, Oil on Panel by Michael M Hensley
Allegory of Time, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Equus, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Allegory of Time, Oil on Linen (72" x 96") by Michael M Hensley
Prometheus Bound, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
The Gathering, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Passover, Oil on Panel by Michael M Hensley
Del Dolor, Oil on Panel by Michael M Hensley
Sangre de Cristo, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
The Ascent, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
The Descent, Oil on Linen (120" x 80") by Michael M Hensley
Reclining Nude, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Sorrow, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Ribbons, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Redemption, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Destiny, Oil on Linen by Michael M Hensley
Genesis, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Sorrow, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
The Patriarch, Pastel, By Michael M Hensley
Gateway, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Gateway, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Cat Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Human Eye, Cat Eye, Duplex Pupula, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Cat Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Cat Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Cat Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley
Cat Eye, Pastel by Michael M Hensley