Artistic Comparative Anatomy: Anatomical Plates
By Michael M Hensley
The anatomy plates included here are an assortment of osteological studies for the aspiring art student and artist. The focus of these studies is directed in particular toward garnering a greater understanding of the underlying anatomical structure.
You may click on each of the links below to view the printable anatomical plates. All the anatomical plates found here were created by Michael M. Hensley as an inspirational learning tool for the aspiring art student.
If there is something you would like to see included, if you have discovered any errors, or you would just like to drop a note to say you have found these to be useful you may do so at the email address listed below. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Comparative Osteology Of The Hand and Foot: Anatomical Plates
Osteology, Human Hand
Osteology, Human Hand, Radius, Ulna I
Osteology, Human Hand, Radius, Ulna II
Osteology, Human Foot
Osteology, Human Foot, Tibia, Fibula
Non Human Primates:
Osteology, Bonobo Hand
Osteology, Bonobo Foot
Osteology, Chimpanzee Hand
Osteology, Chimpanzee Foot
Osteology, Gorilla Hand
Osteology, Gorilla Foot
Osteology, Orangutan Hand
Osteology, Orangutan Foot
Canidae, Domestic Dog:
Osteology, Domestic Dog, Hand, Forepaw
Osteology, Domestic Dog, Foot, Hindpaw
Equidae, Domestic Horse:
Osteology, Domestic Horse, Forelimb, Hindlimb, Phalanx
Osteology, Domestic Horse, Forelimb, Hand
Osteology, American Black Bear, Hand, Forensic Forepaw
Osteology, American Black Bear, Hand, Forepaw
Osteology, Harbor Seal, Hand
Osteology, Harbor Seal, Hand, Forelimb
Osteology, North American Manatee, Forelimb
Flying Mammal:
Osteology, Greater Flying Fox, Wing, Forelimb, Hand
Flightless Birds:
Osteology, Ostrich, Foot, Didactyl